1 # Building with Vagrant
3 Setting up build environment with Vagrant is remarkably simple, but you still need to have some basic knowlage of your OS.
6 Vagrant needs some kind of virtualization software to run, i.e. VirtualBox.
7 You can get VirtualBox from here:
9 https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
12 Download and install Vagrant for you OS from here:
14 https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html
17 ## Cloning iNav repository
18 Using git (The preferred way!)
20 git clone https://github.com/iNavFlight/inav.git
23 Or download the .zip file from
25 https://github.com/iNavFlight/inav
27 and extract it to folder of your choosing.
29 ## Running the virtual machine
30 Open up a terminal or command line interface (In windows search for CMD.exe and run it as administrator!)
31 Navigate in to the directory of your cloned/unzipped iNav repository. (Where the "Vagrantfile" is located.) and start the virtual machine.
36 Starting the virtual machine might take some time depending on your computer speed.
37 When you start the virtual machine for the first time, it has to download the base virtual machine files and do some installation steps,
38 so it takes longer than the following times you start it.
41 When the start up has finished succesfully and you are back to your command prompt. Login in to the virtual machine.
47 In the virtual machine, go to the inav directory
52 If you downloadet the repository as a zip file, you may have to type:
57 To stop the file system boundary warnings.
59 Build your desired target
65 ## Updating and rebuilding the firmware
70 make clean TARGET=AIRBOTF4
74 ## Additional virtual machine commands
76 Exit from the virtual machine interface with:
81 Shutdown the virtual machine with:
86 Remove the virtual machine files from your computer with: